
Showing posts from February, 2023

Poem: Amid the Discomfort

  Amid the discomfort I grow. Amid the discomfort I allow my self to flow. Amid the discomfort I find deeper words for my soul, I craddle my weeping heart, I surrender to the downfalls. Amid the discomfort  I find peace, I know pain won't last for eternity Amid the discomfort;  I give myself permission to break down And then smile through my teary eyes. Amid the discomfort I acknowledge life's ebb and flow, It's all part of creation's nudge to grow.

Poem: Let it Float Away

  Sometimes you inhale  And hold the tears at bay, You negate the suffering, You want the pain to go away.  But deep down you know You can release all with the exhale. Don't keep things in, Let the floodgates open, Let the suffering float away. 

Poem: Mind's Lies

  Brightly smile, Never let them see you cry, It's dangerous to open up To those curious beings outside.  They can't help you,  They'll judge your mind, They'll criticise your downfall And they'll take lies afar.  Your weeping soul will crumble  And you will feel trapped. Stop. Do not allow yourself  To trust the ego mind.  These are the lies  That it spews out, Always keeping us frightened,  Never letting us shine bright. But we are free to choose, We are here to thrive,  Just be determined  To choose from a place of love. Caress your heart and Give it wings to soar high, Lovingly tell ego to drop all the lies. 

Poem: Love Anyway

Try, Begin, Fall hard, Love anyway. Tell the story to know yourself.  Tell the story to share your pain, Some will resonate  You will have changed them. Lives and mindsets  Can flourish in the darkest days. As beaustifully painful as love can be,  It allows Earth to keep spinning, Flowers to keep blooming, Hearts to stay hopeful.  Love is that one single magical thing That can transform humanity, That can transmute hate. Love is necessary to live, To gloriously thrive and overcome The darkest chapters of our lives. It is in the sharing of love And the embracing of it that  Life makes sense.  That is what we are here to learn:  The answer will always be love.  So love. 

Poem: Breaking Free

  Tired and depleted She wondered why,  Why was she still trapped in  The claws of the 9-5;  Except it wasn't only that time: Her job consumed her soul, Her days, her mind. She felt paralysed, School life had a hold on her soul. She knew she could break free  -She'd been planning it for some time- But she felt she was being slowed down By the what ifs and the fear around; She was running out of time, She felt she had to hurry up  But nothing would change Until she allowed it herself. No more caring of what others thought, It wouldn't have an influence  On her determined soul. 

Poem: In Between

  In the in between I found myself, All the fragments of my soul I hadn't seen or heard. They came all together, I realised who I was, I touched rock bottom But I also found the light. Unimaginably terrified But consciously alive. Fear had that way of encouraging me To feel all the shades amongst the grey blips. It was that darkness that taught me  The most about myself, How I navigated the falls  And the many up, up, up steps. The silence in the midst of the in-between was   The sacred pause that gave me the insights  To grow illuminatingly alive.

Poem: Drifting Away

  Drifting away I found myself, Physically there  But my soul somewhere else. My mind, empty and numb, I couldn't move forward, I had willingly left this realm. Giving up, no wish in my soul But to vanish and be gone; The darkness had engulfed me, I was ready to not feel But the fading light inside my core Nudged me to not let go. The light became stronger,  Sparks all around,  There was something there From times gone by; I felt it calling me  Like a familiar sound And I knew I had the strength  To reinvent my life.  I had wished to vanish But in truth I wanted to be found,  Life had taught me  I was resilient enough;  I'd faced my struggles,  I'd climbed back up,  I'd found my inner compass,  I'd found my north star. 

Poem: Brighter Life

  On the last day of my shadow life I started to cry, The tears kept running madly wild.  Lost myself, lost track of time,  The burden had been too heavy, it had been too much.  I'd been holding things in for an eternal time And my body and soul could no longer pretend; I had to allow myself to fall and crumble down, My world had to collapse, Little Miss Perfect had to die.  The shine disappeared, the rust took place, The cracks started to appear and my brain played games. I reached the deepest depth in the darkness of my own self, scary demons tempted me with their shiny blades;  They kept telling me I wasn't good enough, They kept poisoning my weak, vulnerable mind. But months went by and Seasons waved goodbye,  The broken pieces were shining like gold,  I was finding reasons to proudly stand tall.  I was feeling hopeful in my brighter life,  I kept growing stronger With each decision to nurture my mind. Darkness didn't disappear for g...

Poem: Brave Step

  One brave step at a time, I ventured into life; I endlessly wandered around Until  I found my own heart. Challenges there were,  I cried and broke down But put myself back together Stronger than what I was.   In those many yesterdays Of my enriching past life, I couldn't see the strength  I had buried inside. Though I fell  down down down I never gave up and Eventually I dug deep enough  To see the light.  Gloriously warm And shining bright,  It was undeniable:  I had magic inside.  Marvelled I was,  I tightly hugged my own heart,  I apologised to my soul For wasting all that time.  But my soul consoled me,  It told me it was the perfect time,  I had to go through some lessons first To wholeheartedly appreciate my human life.