
Showing posts from June, 2023

Poem: The Enough Path

Not fit enough, Pretty enough or  Talented enough. Never confident enough,  clever enough or s exy enough. Neither accomplished enough, Nor ambitious enough.  Never organised enough,  Articulate enough Or wealthy enough. But ,  for sure,  Human enough to live my life.  The lies we tell ourselves, We can banish from our minds.  There is no room for limiting beliefs When we are glorious magic And universal stardust.  So, go live your gloriously abundant life, The universe is applauding you For choosing your unique,  enough path.

Poem: Cracked Ice

  Slowly I started to wake up From the eternal pause that froze my heart.  Joyfully alive, I cracked the ice in which I'd been asleep for quite some time. Eager to catch up, excited for my life, I took committed steps to grow and expand,  My life was now.  Determined to create that which I'd seen From an unimaginable afar,  I shed the heaviness and, though at points It was complex to be alive,  I had the certainty that the pain would pass.  It was up to me to create joy, possibility and love It was up to me to manifest an aligned and beautiful life. 

Poem: Beautiful Human Life

 I breathe and I feel trapped. I breathe and I feel deep heaviness in my heart. I breathe and I cry pain, I breathe and I let myself be. Then I remember  It won't always be like that, I won't always feel surrounded by the dark. It'll pass, it'll all pass, Darkness will visit sometimes But it'll just be that reminder that I am fully alive, Experiencing all the shades in the complexity of my Beautiful human life. 

Poem: Once a Caterpillar

  Once a caterpillar who became a butterfly,  Life invited me to shine, oh so bright! Not to despair while cocooned inside, I knew my time to fly would come.  I had dreams and I patiently waited,    I knew I'd inspire people all around: I'd teach them that light can come after  The sacred, natural dark pause and  That patience can take you far. I'd teach them to  breathe fully alive And to not rush the process  As they naturally spread their wings to fly. 

Poem: Ordinary Angels

Ordinary angels o r so we thought t hey were, Grounded on planet Earth  but with wings larger than life itself. We thought they were like us, We hugged them tight, They brought life and laughter,  They were the messengers of the good things in life. But they never abandoned us in our darkness,  Faithfully and lovingly, they stood by our side Letting our tears roll down our hearts. They knew pain was part of the human experience And they cried with us, but those tears were more than just  pain, they were reminders of the balance in life.  Ordinary angels, t hey stood by our side  Reminding us life is precious and it's worth opening our hearts.