
In Her Own Human Way

In the eye of the storm she found herself, shaking, exhausted, shocked, in pain.  Blazing guns of noise and smoke had c louded her judgement of self; However, u nwavering determination to get back to the light propelled her away,  Away from  self- destruction and the endless cuts, bruises and blood she'd often shed.  The truth was, she was tired of fighting herself and in the glimpses of magic  She'd sometimes see whenever she looked at the sky, she could recognise a Familiar place she'd once emerged from. This ethereally peaceful place kept  Calling her back but at the time the demons would force her to shut her eyes tight.  Source knew she's eventually remember that all the pain wasn't punishment but   Lessons she'd agreed to learn on Earth, source also knew she'd find her way back to  The teachers and tools that would illuminate her way, reminding her she was a wise  soul f irst and foremost, not just blood and flesh; she was stronger...

Poem: Dear Moon

In your wholeness I saw you,  And in your darkness I embraced you; Whole, pure, striking, dark and mysterious,  You were everything and nothing to the physical eye But you were more than the extremes And everything in between.  I saw myself reflected in you; oftentimes I asked you If you could teach me about me. I deeply believed that, as you changed, I changed; Every month an undeniable visual reminder That I was also changing on a moment to sweet moment basis And that it was s afe to embrace every shard of darkness and every blinding beam of light. I was e ncouraged by you to dance with both sides of me, And not to fear the unknown that  Happened in the sometimes blinding dark nights of my mind and soul. Because of you, I allowed myself to fully surrender my breath, To let out a howl and a deep sigh, To beam under your light, To let a watery pearl run down my face because I was Struck by your beauty to my soft core, The flesh and bone and blood cor...
Today you're okay, today you're safe, and thriving; today you've had a good day and today you're loved. There's nothing you have to  do , just be. In your beingness you're blessed with expansion and alignment. When you obsess about all the details, you constrict yourself, you cap your growth, you clip your wings. But you're meant to fly beautiful one, you're meant to soar high up into the pinks and blues and darks of the sky, into all the colours, and directions and depths of the sky above; through valleys and jungles, and deserts and cities.  You're here to experience it all, to  feel  it all. But the more you think, the more you numb, you shut down and the more you fear but, why fear?  Love, love it all! The hard, the ugly, the breathtaking; the pure and the impure, the light and the dark; the beauty and the tears for it is all meant to be experienced.  Breathe. Each time, breathe and feel. Breath will anchor you in whatever it is you're experi...

Poem: Feeling it All

Celebrating nature's seasons and my soul seasons, I realised and gave myself permission to fully embrace life. I realised, seemingly all of a sudden, that life was so intricate and that Each natural season could teach me endlessly about myself too.  This I knew but I'd forgotten.  Just like my cycle aligned with the moon phases, So too could I integrate the truth that, if nature had cycles and patterns and ebbs and flows, I could show myself grace and deep kindness every time I  navigated something new or the same thing I had experienced multiple times  before because I had to learn something new. Expansion and contraction became a new mantra, A new anchoring phrase, a new  way of living that brought forgiveness and ease.  Why had I punished myself so viciously for relapsing into anxious states When in reality I knew well that healing wasn't a linear, smooth, pristine path? I knew healing could be ugly, and messy...

Poem: Not a Linear Path

October was waving goodbye when anxiety stubbornly decided to pop by. Out of nowhere, it pranced and sat on my chest,  Unapologetically digging its claws and refusing to walk away.  I could not catch my breath, a nightmare while awake.  Negotiation was null and void- no point even trying to beg it to go.  Even though my mind was refusing to accept anxiety was back again,  My soul lovingly reminded me that healing was a winding road,  With turns, and obstacles, and detours; definitely not a linear path. Wanting once again to retreat into a dark cave wasn't going to  Bring peace and ease or healing and forward momentum; I'd learnt  The more I got to know myself that I couldn't reduce myself to  Anxiety's childish and selfish level, I had to allow it to be and express itself;  Regardless of how negatively I perceived it to be, it actually was  Reminding me of the things I had to yet heal.  With much patience and willingness to wan...

Poem: Nature & Eternal

I thought I had to go, n o point in staying,  My heart was begging f or me to listen to t he whispers a nd intuitive nudges. The storm had been unfolding, l ightning threatening the horizon,  Thunder kept growing louder and louder;  I thought I was just  s kin and bones, flesh and blood. But eventually I realised I was also magic and light alive   And I couldn't help being reminded, every time I breathed,  That I was worth each breath on Earth, That my soul had a purpose here,  That I was yet to fully embody it all.  That's how I embarked On the peeling of layers of my sacred healing journey.  And how my awareness sweetly developed; Staying stuck in the rejection of my sacredness and  Goddess beingness wasn't an option anymore.  Rejection of self, rejection of my humanity, rejection of  My sacred womb and ancestral trauma had made me disconnect Deeply from one simple truth: I was nature, loved and eternal.  My healing had ...

Poem: Starseed

I lost myself and then I found me again.  Breath following me around  Reminding me to fully let it in; I'd forgotten how to be, forgotten I was human.  It felt easier to dissociate  And numb it all out; I belonged to a different galaxy:  Starseed living a human life  And I struggled to blend in Only because I was meant to stand out. Light inside, darkness too, Humanity was heavy and I cocooned; Couldn't wait to return to what it felt like home, Thousands of light years away And ethereally calling me back.