In Her Own Human Way
In the eye of the storm she found herself, shaking, exhausted, shocked, in pain. Blazing guns of noise and smoke had c louded her judgement of self; However, u nwavering determination to get back to the light propelled her away, Away from self- destruction and the endless cuts, bruises and blood she'd often shed. The truth was, she was tired of fighting herself and in the glimpses of magic She'd sometimes see whenever she looked at the sky, she could recognise a Familiar place she'd once emerged from. This ethereally peaceful place kept Calling her back but at the time the demons would force her to shut her eyes tight. Source knew she's eventually remember that all the pain wasn't punishment but Lessons she'd agreed to learn on Earth, source also knew she'd find her way back to The teachers and tools that would illuminate her way, reminding her she was a wise soul f irst and foremost, not just blood and flesh; she was stronger...