Poem: Feeling it All
Celebrating nature's seasons and my soul seasons, I realised and gave myself permission to fully embrace life. I realised, seemingly all of a sudden, that life was so intricate and that Each natural season could teach me endlessly about myself too. This I knew but I'd forgotten. Just like my cycle aligned with the moon phases, So too could I integrate the truth that, if nature had cycles and patterns and ebbs and flows, I could show myself grace and deep kindness every time I navigated something new or the same thing I had experienced multiple times before because I had to learn something new. Expansion and contraction became a new mantra, A new anchoring phrase, a new way of living that brought forgiveness and ease. Why had I punished myself so viciously for relapsing into anxious states When in reality I knew well that healing wasn't a linear, smooth, pristine path? I knew healing could be ugly, and messy...