
Showing posts from March, 2017

Acting with Love and Compassion

One February 24th, one of my dearest friends sent me a  WhatsApp audio in which  she shared with me how hurt she was about someone's action towards her and asked me whether she was wrong, thinking maybe she was the one mistaken. Since I knew she was acting from love, I sent her an extense audio reply and, right after sending it to her, I felt drawn to write on my journal -as a reminder and affirmation- the following 'condensed' passage which reflects my humble advice to her: Never lose your conviction, never let other people make you feel small, never stop trusting your gut, your inner voice, YOURSELF. You are you and nobody else is living your life but you. Whatever the situation you're facing, if you are acting from love and with love, you're not doing anything wrong, don't give in to fear. If someone mistreats you, that is THEIR problem, not YOURS, if they feel that they have to belittle you, or insult you, disrespect you or any other fear-infused action, it...

The Power of Surrendering

'Sometimes renewal comes in surrender' ~ Rob Bell Some people may think that to surrender is to give up. I think otherwise. I've learnt that surrendering means letting go of control and trusting that all is well, all is as it is meant to be. Of course it's scary sometimes not to know what will be but, at the same time, it's exciting. I've come to embrace the idea of surrendering more and more as I truly have faith that whatever happens will bring growth and perspective and that the universe is always guiding me.  Few months ago, I was divinely guided to find Preston Smiles's videos and I'm so glad I did because his narrative, clarity and passion for spreading LOVE is truly beautiful. One of his videos is about the power of surrendering and I'd highly recommend you watch it ( ). I felt such a reassurance and love when listening to his words and one of the ideas that deeply resonated with me is when he say...