
Showing posts from October, 2024

Poem: Nature & Eternal

I thought I had to go, n o point in staying,  My heart was begging f or me to listen to t he whispers a nd intuitive nudges. The storm had been unfolding, l ightning threatening the horizon,  Thunder kept growing louder and louder;  I thought I was just  s kin and bones, flesh and blood. But eventually I realised I was also magic and light alive   And I couldn't help being reminded, every time I breathed,  That I was worth each breath on Earth, That my soul had a purpose here,  That I was yet to fully embody it all.  That's how I embarked On the peeling of layers of my sacred healing journey.  And how my awareness sweetly developed; Staying stuck in the rejection of my sacredness and  Goddess beingness wasn't an option anymore.  Rejection of self, rejection of my humanity, rejection of  My sacred womb and ancestral trauma had made me disconnect Deeply from one simple truth: I was nature, loved and eternal.  My healing had ...

Poem: Starseed

I lost myself and then I found me again.  Breath following me around  Reminding me to fully let it in; I'd forgotten how to be, forgotten I was human.  It felt easier to dissociate  And numb it all out; I belonged to a different galaxy:  Starseed living a human life  And I struggled to blend in Only because I was meant to stand out. Light inside, darkness too, Humanity was heavy and I cocooned; Couldn't wait to return to what it felt like home, Thousands of light years away And ethereally calling me back. 

Poem: Eternal, Strong & Bold

Worlds were collapsing and so was I, in my mind I had nowhere to run  So I decided to face the debris and smothering, dark clouds.  Smoke, coughing, not knowing what was going on; Fear joined briefly for a while and I knew I had to let it be,  No point in pretending I was brave then But my faith had taught me I was immensely stronger than I would give myself credit for; darkness had engulfed me before  And I'd made it alive so I'd keep embracing the parts of me that  Were pure, eternal, strong and bold.  Smoke eventually dissipated, shy flames died down; I realised that I was standing on solid, breathing grounds. Foundations were charred but the earth was alive, Teaching me that fire would always bring nourished new life. I stopped fearing, I befriended pain, I knew  I couldn't keep running away from The lessons   I was meant to embrace. I sat with the heaviness  Of my chest, I let it be. Eventually, it dawned on me that The beauty of my...

Poem: Chalice

In the sacredness and nourishment of our womb,  We burn bright and thrive aligned;  We shine from deep within, we connect to the source of it all.  Cherishing our womb, we celebrate the sweetness of this portal,  The waters that are and give life, the blood that is our power,  The sanctuary of our sacred soul.  We cherish and honour our goddess energy, we tune in to the elixir of life; In our sacred chalice we receive divine guidance , We create and co-create with higher power, We savour and delight in the sweetness and pleasures;  We cry, we moan, we succumb to the pulsations of life In the contraction and expansion that is this sacred universe.  We honour the ebb and flow of the sacred waters,  We retreat and then we shine, We are reminded that light follows darkness and that  Healing, however  imperceptible , is happening on a Moment t o sacred, rageful, blissful moment basis.    

Poem: Sacred Crumbling

The Earth shook and things fell, Crumbling down to the foundations of what they used to be.  I knew then nothing had been in vain for the process of  Lovingly building what was had showed me the power Of mindful and soul-led creation.  What was beautiful back then had started cracking naturally,  Not because of faults but because something more beautiful  Was emerging.  I'd learnt to let the cracks reveal themselves so that I could  Witness the layers underneath.  Not always comfortable but I knew that patching things up Defeated the purpose of the unbound and emerging truth of Nature and creation.  I'd learnt that there was deep beauty in the imperfections And the natural flow of sacred unfolding.  I was profoundly grateful for the crumblings,  The shaking, the darkness, the valleys, the cracks That were revealing to me I was a wild, sacred one. 

Poem: I am Mother Earth

  Let me walk hand in hand with you my child, Let me feed and caress your soul, I'm mother earth,  The cradle and essence of everything that is  Pure, aligned, and unfolding with love.  Surrender to me, and let me carry you to peace, bowing down to your true essence, to the earth beneath.  Wash in my rivers, feed from my fruit, celebrate your Divinity and my mystic magic, sun and moon.  Intertwined in the ether we live, you and me.  You are me and I am you and with the blessing of the universe we flow with and in eternal love.  When you feel disconnected, remember to walk barefoot,  Feel the rain, look at the sky and breathe the air; dance around  the fire, let heaviness go, celebrate you human aliveness even when Darkness k nocks on your door. It's all unfolding for your highest expansion.  Trust in the journey, savour what each day brings, keep coming back  to your breath, anchoring force to be. 

Poem: Manual for Life on Planet Earth

Walk towards the light even when the dark is all around you.  Trust that all experiences are helping you expand. (They are even when we can't see it.) Be reassured in each brave step you take,  For you're never on your own, eternally supported by light. At times daunting, oftentimes overwhelmed, Perhaps you often felt you no longer wanted to be here  On this human plane; p erhaps the heaviness you feel Is a sign you're more s oul than human but still chose to be here To experience t he full spectrum of humanity and the intensity of  your human flesh and blood, and the aches and pains. But it all meant you also got to enjoy and delight yourself In the beauty, the magic, the connection, the joy, the  Savourable and exquisite existence of your human vessel. Trust you're one of the lucky ones who got to Incarnate and live on the haven that is  Planet Earth.  Your human life is sacred and exquisite,  Embrace each nourishing experience,  The light ...