Poem: Nature & Eternal
I thought I had to go, n o point in staying, My heart was begging f or me to listen to t he whispers a nd intuitive nudges. The storm had been unfolding, l ightning threatening the horizon, Thunder kept growing louder and louder; I thought I was just s kin and bones, flesh and blood. But eventually I realised I was also magic and light alive And I couldn't help being reminded, every time I breathed, That I was worth each breath on Earth, That my soul had a purpose here, That I was yet to fully embody it all. That's how I embarked On the peeling of layers of my sacred healing journey. And how my awareness sweetly developed; Staying stuck in the rejection of my sacredness and Goddess beingness wasn't an option anymore. Rejection of self, rejection of my humanity, rejection of My sacred womb and ancestral trauma had made me disconnect Deeply from one simple truth: I was nature, loved and eternal. My healing had ...