Poem: I am Mother Earth

 Let me walk hand in hand with you my child,

Let me feed and caress your soul,

I'm mother earth, 

The cradle and essence of everything that is 

Pure, aligned, and unfolding with love. 

Surrender to me, and let me carry you to peace,

bowing down to your true essence, to the earth beneath. 

Wash in my rivers, feed from my fruit, celebrate your

Divinity and my mystic magic, sun and moon. 

Intertwined in the ether we live, you and me. 

You are me and I am you and with the blessing of the universe

we flow with and in eternal love. 

When you feel disconnected, remember to walk barefoot, 

Feel the rain, look at the sky and breathe the air; dance around 

the fire, let heaviness go, celebrate you human aliveness even when

Darkness knocks on your door.

It's all unfolding for your highest expansion. 

Trust in the journey, savour what each day brings, keep coming back 

to your breath, anchoring force to be. 


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