
Showing posts from August, 2023

Poem: Evening Walks

For a walk I went and I purposely lost myself; Stared into the fluffy shapes  Hanging above my head, the  Ones that reminded me of Childhood ease and carefree air.  Both the blue and the pink  With each shade in between  Boldly nudged me to bow in awe,  The things we take for granted And get lost in the hectic blur of it all.  Easy to forget no breath is guaranteed And yet we waste them without a second thought, But during these evening walks I choose again and I flow with ease When I marvel at the sky and  I let my soul roam wild and free.  

Poem: Okay to Feel it All

A human navigating life, Okay to feel it all. Harsh and unkind to myself at times But bringing myself back to my truth. Easy to let thoughts and words cut me through, Vulnerable and sensitive  To my own sword. But eventually remind my heart  That I am loved, enough and whole. 

Poem: Bowing Down

The universe winked at me, It made me feel whole and alive;  Supported and expansive in my joyful existence,  Grateful for the privilege of being sweetly alive;  I brought my hands to heart centre a nd sacredly bowed down.  When life presented me with challenges, pain and sorrow, Amidst the crumbling of my heart and soul,  I humbly bowed to the lesson life was teaching me And welcomed it like a blessing in disguise.  Many heart-breaking tears ago,  I used to believe life was happening to me  But in sweet, patient time,  The universe taught me Life was happening for my expansive embodiment  And the joy of being fully alive. 

Poem: Moonlight, Sunlight & Everything in Between

 Moonlight, sunlight and everything in between A child of the universe, born wild and free. Sacredly born, eternal light, n othing could stop me For I was fiercely driven by The sight of shooting stars  Across my wild dreamland And the burning desire to  curioursly devour life.  I woke alive o n planet Earth  Where water ran fresh  and birds sang free;  Where I could be anyone, Thrive if I allowed myself  to dream big.    I dove in the blue ocean deep,  Saw unimaginable creatures Greeting my curious being. Acknowledging the endless possibilities  Of the ever-changing flow, I took every opportunity  To devour life and embrace the awe;   To not waste precious existence  Or regret my unique  life;  To live my life for the ones who lost theirs, To treasure each magical moment As unique miracle dust because it was.   I fell from mountains high I slipped and cracked my head open wide;  I let de...

Poem: The Universe Taught Me

  I breathed alive when I understood what The universe was patiently trying to teach me Early in life: A tear can hold deep sadness and immense joy;  We can let people go because we love them,   We can hold enemies near because we're afraid;  Gray skies and rain are necessary  For nature to thrive; Anguish can compress our chest  But that pain can also make us feel alive; A smile can shift someone's day,  Love is the ultimate alchemist,  War is the result of fear.  Rainbows do indeed hold magic; the  Reminder that sometimes we cannot explain  What is before our eyes and we can still  Marvel at the seemingly inexplicable beauty of life. Our existence can be a joyful, enriching and worthwhile ride Or we can suffer through every chapter of our life:  It's a matter of perception and our willingness To see the love, blessings and growth with every  Step we walk in our blessed lives.   

Poem: Fluidity of Life

We found ourselves in the fluidity of life,  In the hectic pace, not knowing how;  Forgetting to breathe, forgetting to pause, Forgetting to look around ourselves And admire nature in awe. We forgot to hug, we forgot to laugh,  We forgot to open our eyes. Numbly, we walked empty miles u ntil one day we realised  That we were missing the point of life: To deeply breathe, to slow down and ground, To appreciate each other's presence, To be, give and receive love;  To hug and to enjoy our human life,  To eat the chocolate brownie, t o dance because it's fun; To do work that aligns with our values, To create more magic in this life; To sit down to savour some tea, To look at the sky because it's ethereal And makes us feel expansive and alive; To joyfully remind ourselves that we're connected To something bigger than us; To dream and smile at ourselves with the endless possibilities That we can create in this life.  To be in awe of everything that the univer...

Poem: I took the Leap

  The day came when I was free;  Standing on the edge, freedom high fiving me.  Chapter closed, I could now fully expand my soul, I had big dreams that I'd embarked on. Eager to dive deep, I rolled my sleeves;  I took a profound breath and allowed creativity To flow through me.  Hello I fully said to my new life, The one where I started living with a more profoundly  Inspired, creative and aligned heart.  Things were falling into place,  I'd taken the leap and I didn't cease to exist.  I was okay, I was still me But now I felt much lighter and  Eager to bloom into the highest, most joyful  Version of all of me.