Poem: Moonlight, Sunlight & Everything in Between

 Moonlight, sunlight and everything in between

A child of the universe, born wild and free.

Sacredly born, eternal light, nothing could stop me

For I was fiercely driven by

The sight of shooting stars 

Across my wild dreamland

And the burning desire to curioursly devour life. 

I woke alive on planet Earth 

Where water ran fresh and birds sang free; 

Where I could be anyone,

Thrive if I allowed myself to dream big. 


I dove in the blue ocean deep, 

Saw unimaginable creatures

Greeting my curious being.

Acknowledging the endless possibilities 

Of the ever-changing flow,

I took every opportunity 

To devour life and embrace the awe;  

To not waste precious existence 

Or regret my unique life; 

To live my life for the ones who lost theirs,

To treasure each magical moment

As unique miracle dust because it was.


I fell from mountains high

I slipped and cracked my head open wide; 

I let demons eat me whole

Because I was human enough

But didn't let that define my soul,

Their cages I broke free from.

Determined to embrace life, 

Not be a prisoner of my fearful mind, 

I learnt from experiences galore

And was willing enough to open my heart and soul. 


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