Poem: Nature Reminded Me

 Nature showed me how easy it was to be 

When all was heavy in and around me; 

It elegantly shone light on the droplets on 

The green and purple leaves and 

It subtly hinted that rain was a blessing

As was the soil, flowers and bees. 

Nature never shouted on my face yet 

It had the longest and most powerful impact

Which I'd never be without or not need.

Nature so effortlessly reminded with each 

New, golden sunrise that it didn't matter 

Whether the sun was showing itself in full 

Blinding glory or whether it was hiding behind 

The upstaging clouds, that the sun was there 

Always ready to warm us up and make us feel alive. 

Nature also reminded me with the gentleness of 

A mother breastfeeding her baby that the moon, 

The ubiquitous and ethereal satellite, always dazzled 

Everyone who knew to look up at the mesmerising night sky

And unapologetically showed all her sides and marks;

She never shied away from exposing her different selves 

Because she knew we needed to be reminded of how we were whole 

Even when we felt like darkness had consumed us away and

We fantasised with the blade of the sharp sword. 

Nature reminded me every day that neither shark nor lion

Were more or less precious than a centipede for 

Every creature had a purpose and mission in the green and blue sphere.

Nature reminded me I was unique like every creature that existed 

And would ever be. 



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