Raw Anxiety Poem: My Demons with Myself

I am used to sharing my demons with myself, 
To not let them trouble anybody else; 
I'm used to restraining them from jumping on people around
And used to chatting to them at night. 
I am used to hiding them behind the ‘I’m okay
Not to ‘inconvenience’ people
Or make them run away. 

I know it’s not healthy, I know it's not great
So for a long time I’ve deliberately worked
On letting them see the light of day,
No longer hiding them behind the ‘All is well.’ 

It is hard work to deal with them,
To negotiate, to give and take;
To dance, to talk, to play with them. 
Sometimes they’ll hide themselves
For months on end, 
I’ll breathe easily and forget our affairs. 

Eventually though,
They’ll come out and tear my head,
They’ll unapologetically jump all around,
scream away
And state it’s that time again.
They’ll never mean to hurt me though 
But will always be that way
Until I learn my lesson
And ask for help.
I’ve now learnt to ask for help,
To cry when needed
And when my soul is in pain. 
it’s hard at times 
But there is no shame, 
I’ve learnt to let go of the self-inflicted stares. 
It’s become easier now to ask for help,
Or maybe it’s the growing pain on my chest, 
It has become harder to deal with by myself. 

I’ve realised -once again- it’s easier to cry with those who care:
All sorts of angels will shower me with love,
However far or nearby. 
There is no shame in asking for help,
There is no shame in not being ok;
You can learn a lot by being there
And later on help somebody else.

You will cry,
You will hyperventilate,
You will have pounding headaches
And wish to fade away.
You can always ask for help though
And people will be there,
Sometimes the ones you expect the least
Will give you flowers and comfort you
In a very dark day. 

So don’t keep the demons to yourself,
Share them with people you trust enough to open up
And those devilish creatures
Won’t tear your head again. 
Yes, you will still cry at times 
But your burden will be lighter, 
the demons will become smaller
and you will shine brighter. 


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