How a Blue Butterfly Led me to Sign up to a Mastermind 🦋
We are always being guided by the universe 💫 I often ask for signs when I have to make big decisions and I feel lost and unsure. It helps me feel supported and also makes me feel at ease. I trust the universe, I surrender to the outcome and wait to be guided. Such a fascinating (and fun) way to navigate life! There's magic all around and those are some of the moments when I smile in gratitude and reassurance that I am always being guided! 💫
Before I signed up for my yoga teacher training with Yoga Course, I asked for a non-specific sign and I got a beautiful one: a robin (a bird I love!) perched itself literally outside my window (a few centimetres away) and stared at me for quite a few seconds. It had never happened before and hasn't happened ever since. It felt so magical and beautiful, I genuinely felt the universe was looking at me and asking, what are you waiting for? 💫
Before I signed up for DCI (Dharma Coaching Institute), I asked for a sign and this time the first thing that came to my mind was a hummingbird. I set the intention that if it was meant to be, that by the end of the time I'd see a hummingbird in whatever form (the bird itself, a sticker, the name, etc.) I felt such peace and relief and went on with the day. By evening time, I hadn't seen anything and I felt surprisingly at ease thinking that maybe it wasn't the time and I was trusting divine guidance (even though I really wanted to do it but my fear of the big investment was preventing me from signing up, yet.) I decided to have a bath and listen to a random piano playlist that I'd never listened to. A few songs in, a song started playing that so deeply touched me and moved me to tears so I decided to take my phone which I'd left on the side and take a screenshot to remember it. The title? Il colibri, the hummingbird in Italian. Imagine my huge smile at the universe's wink to sign up and say yes to yet another dream! 💫
The latest universe's green light and wink big time? I was thinking about making a considerable investment in a programme/mentorship and of course my ego mind and scarcity mindset (that I am STILL working on DAILY!) started flooding my mind with limiting beliefs and fears. Even though it still takes work, through different modalities -a big one being tapping- I have learnt to silence that voice and show myself kindness as I continue working on focusing on all the beautiful abundance around me as well as the divine guidance. 💫
So, as soon as I saw this Mastermind for Early Stage Multi Passionate Entrepreneurs, a massive smile came to my mind. I had done some mini free courses to see if I was aligned with the coach and what she had to share really resonated with me and I liked her energy and message. When I saw the offer to work with her, I thought it was such a fantastic opportunity to expand my consciousness, knowledge and continue growing my business. Who popped by? FEAR and SCARCITY. I'm tired of seeing those guys! they drain me, they make me feel insecure, small and like I'm not seeing all the abundance around me. So, in that moment, I forgave myself for having those thoughts. I put my hands on my heart and asked for guidance. The first sign that came to my mind without overthinking it (it literally popped into my mind the second I closed my eyes) was a blue butterfly. I said thank you and decided that I'd give myself the weekend to be open to whatever guidance I needed to hear. That was early Saturday morning. And here started the waterfall of signs!
🌙 First one, my boyfriend and I went to a furniture shop/barn that we love here in the UK but we weren't planning on going that day. He 'randomly' drove there (the universe guided him there?) and after spending a few moments there, I turned around and I saw a frame full of butterflies! And yes, the one that stood out was a blue one. I smiled and silently told the universe, 'Thank you.' Next sign came when I was home on that Sunday. I absolutely love books and reading and while doing some work by my kitchen table, I was randomly 'guided' to turn around and look at one of my shelves, when intuition hits I always listen! One of the books with a blue cover had a butterfly on it. With this one, I thought, well, the butterfly is white so, does that really count? The universe said, 'okay!' As I still wasn’t sure I gave myself some more days (oh, our beautiful human brain!) Monday I was going to write a card to a friend and what did I see once I focused on something else rather than the bird? Two blue butterflies!
🌙 Later that day, I was in the process of posting on my FB Coaching & Yoga page ( and decided to include a butterfly emoji which, to be honest, I had never used. This emoji looked brown while selecting it but once it popped up next to the writing it was blue! Now, the changing colour might be a thing but because I had never used it, I didn't know! I took that as the universe telling me, 'Will you just sign up?!' But it doesn't end there!
🌙 I opened a box where I kept wrapping paper that I repurpose as I was planning on sending a little parcel and what wrapping paper did I find which I didn’t even remember I had? One full of butterflies, some of them blue!
🌙 As if all the signs weren't enough, I went for an evening walk that day and few minutes in, while walking to some trees, a bluish butterfly danced around in all its majestic magic and flew past very close to my face, almost touching my face.
What did I do? 😊
I signed up for the programme yesterday at the last minute (ego mind was still holding me by the last thread!) and the same day I had the first online meeting which felt so expansive and aligned!💫
Today on my way home from my current full-time job as a secondary school teacher that I'm transitioning out of (Notice handed in, few months left there!) and after teaching yoga to my colleagues -which is the highlight of my week!- a blue butterfly danced around me :)
If that is not the universe guiding me towards my dreams and desires, I don’t know what that is! 💫
We are always being guided by the universe. In these cases, I wanted to sign up for these expansive programmes and intuitively I knew it was the right step for me at the time but fear was holding me back. The universe confirmed what I knew was the right thing for me but how GOOD it feels to know we're supported and always guided to say yes to the things that help us become the best versions of ourselves! 💫
P.S: A little update! Exactly a week after I received my first sign (the frame with all the butterflies) and after having signed up for the mastermind, I went to my boyfriend's house and on the coffee table, there was a little directory/magazine with a massive blue butterfly on the cover! I saw that as a sign of reassurance that I made the right decision 🦋😊
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