Reflection & Poem: Home

During the summer of 2018, I had the difficult task of writing a poem that would convey my identity; it was a school project and while traveling in Europe with mum and dad, phrases would come to my mind and I would jot down anything that suddenly popped in my mind. 
It was such a challenge because I realised that, for many years, I had struggled with that interrogative: who am I? Never before had I actually stopped to reflect on my purpose, my identity, my self but, as I grew older and life presented me with amazing, unforgettable and challenging growth opportunities, I came to feel more and more confortable with being by myself, in dialogue, in reflection, in solitude to try to understand more about me. 

Though this poem does not cover the complexities and under layers of my self (I wrote it for a young audience at school and couldn't be too intricate), I do believe it exposes quite a bit about my identity and a rooted feeling that I still carry with me, at points nourishing and embracing it, at points still 'accepting' that shadow (and I call it shadow because of old perceptions of who I thought I'd be or do with my life.) 

I love my life and would never change a thing, every single experience (albeit heart-breaking, crushing or life-altering) has brought immense learning and growth (maybe even more so the 'dark' ones); I feel I am more grounded and appreciate life much more. Though I am still quite structured in some ways, I've learnt to let go more and savour life more spontaneously. Above all, I've learnt to trust the universe and my journey. 

Leaving my home,
departing that world,
But inside my soul
 I’m carrying my world.

Leaving my roots but bringing my hopes,
learning along this winding road.
Taking things in and nourishing my soul,
with all the things that make me grow.

Walking alone a foreign road,
Looking for a place to call my own,
feeling it deep inside my soul,
Fervently knowing it will be gold.

Searching my way around the globe,
Thoughts in  my head, feelings in my soul.
Knowing not where to go
but finding havens along the roads.

Finding my way around the globe,
Soaring high up and crashing down low.
 Fearing not what might occur
because I know I’ll learn a lot.

Regardless of where I go,
She brings me joy, she makes me feel like I belong.
North, South, East and West
with her by my side, still embarked on my quest.

The globe keeps spinning and I walk but not alone
as I will forever belong
To you mother nature,
To you and your ancient soul. 


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