Poem: Lucio

Written on 4th August, 2019.

Little waves crashing by
and I can see you face,
I hear your voice, embrace your sounds and 
Let myself see you smile. 
I look into your eyes
And hold your hands from a little afar.

Five years have now gone by
And I can still remember all your finds.
You left a hole, you left a scar,
Things changed to black and white,
Before and after, day and night;
Crumbling on the inside, dying one more time.

You wrote your goodbye,
You explained your reasons why,
You tried to hold us, you little dragonfly.
Your quirks, your humour,
Your sparkly brown eyes,
Admiring the food you loved so much.

I miss you dearly, I miss you too much,
I know you hold us, hold us day and night.

The Fantastic Four


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