32 Reflections on turning 32

32 things I know for sure:
1.     I am enough.
2.     If I breathe and smile, all is fine. 
3.     Life flows smoothly if I surrender and allow things to unfold.
4.     It is ok to cry and go through darkness as it is through the acknowledgement of those dark periods that we can then fully embrace the light. 
5.     The universe does have my back and I am being guided.
6.     I am strong and I am resilient.
7.     The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. are key in living our lives with as much peace as we can with the certainty that we are all doing the best we can.
8.     I am patient, more than I thought.
9.     I can do things by myself: I am independent. 
10. I am happy on my own and, even though it’d be nice to have someone to share things with, I don’t need anybody completing me.
11. My family is unconditional and will always be. I love them. 
12. I have unconditional, loving, magical friends whom I love. 
13. I trust that everything happens for a reason.
14. There is a higher power and I do receive signs.
15. Nature is my absolute haven; in nature I flow and find myself.
16. Journaling is a ritual which allows me to process things; it has allowed to  navigate life and learn from it in a deeper way.
17. Life as I knew it changed once Lucio left this dimension; there was a before and after and I was kind of reborn (metaphorically born again.)
18. Becoming vegan was one of the most beautiful, empowering and eye-opening decisions of my life (born again.)
19. I am an introvert who loves connecting with people but who also needs time alone to recharge.
20. The world is a beautiful place.
21. There are loving, kind and life-enhancing people out there who make the world a better place.
22. Laughter is contagious. 
23. Smiling doesn’t cost a thing but can change someone’s day.
24. Kindness has a transforming energy which makes me feel better.
25. Cooking is therapy and I love being an alchemist in the kitchen.
26. I love nourishing my temple with whole foods.
27. I am a complex being made of all my experiences and wouldn’t change a thing.
28. I don’t regret anything, I grew and learnt. 
29. It’s all a matter of perception.
30. We learn as we go, it is ok to 'fail' as 'failure' beautifully teaches us not to surrender in the pursuit of our dreams. 
31. Goals, desires, plans can change and that is ok; nothing is static, it is all dynamic and ever-flowing; everything is energy.
32. I am committed to continue learning and creating a life that will make me happy and provide me with opportunities to stay aligned with my values.


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