Lessons from the Universe
All things have their time. All things have their answers. All things have their right to be. Accepting this reality, all things come into harmony. Brahma Kumaris The moment I read this, I thought 'yes!' How not to smile when encountering such reassurance and having the opportunity to let go, even if just a bit? Once I remembered something that had been dormant in me, I felt completely liberated and free to trust the universe. A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could embrace life as it was. My older self now knows that every experience I encounter is meant for me to learn whatever I have to learn at that point in time. If I elude that, if I decide that I do not want to face that lesson, then the universe will kindly present me with growth again, the lesson to be learn will keep manifesting in my life until I welcome it and evolve. Time and time again, the universe has kept sending me tests in views of my unconscious unwillingness to truly learn that love is al...