Stitched Stardust
Blondin has undoubtedly marked a before and after in my meditations with her
heartfelt, touching and stirring words. She has always inspired me and
moved me. She has not only transported me to other worlds but, most
importantly, she has helped me visit and connect to my inner world as well. In
meditation recently, she said we are 'stitched stardust' and I instantly grabbed hold of that phrase; I could
not let go, I could not forget, I felt compelled to write something and the
following flowed out of my pen and into my journal. Raw, unedited, powerful.
meditation this morning, the phrase 'stitched stardust' resonated so much with
me and couldn't help but visualise it, feel it, embody it; it felt like an
ancient wisdom or energy was reminding me of who I am. 'Yes darling, you are
stitched stardust: broken but beautifully put back together, shiny, ephemeral,
glowing, wiser because those broken parts realigned with the truth of your
evolving self. You are harmony, you are glory, you have suffered but risen up
and moved forward, unapologetically feeding the parts of you that make you
smile, the parts of you that make you shine and have left baggage aside. You
have confidently said 'no' to the things that put you in the dark, you have
reassuringly chosen your right path.'
have experienced such moments before: moments when I start writing things down
without really knowing where I am going, though it feels I am being guided; I
am the one writing but the words are not fully mine. Am I channelling
something? Am I the vessel for ancient wisdom flowing through me? I do not
know. What I do know is that we are all connected. Everything is energy and I’d
like to believe that I am writing those words because someone needs to hear
them. That someone is me, for sure. But maybe you too.
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