Poem: Alive & Well

Heavy and lost, I trudged on;

Not knowing how to breathe,

I lost my soulful hope.

I saw shadows and ghosts, scared I was;

Powerless and defeated, 

I fantasised with the edge of the sword.

Time went slowly by and

I couldn't seem to smile,

The heavy bags were getting heavier 

And I almost collapsed.

But one soulful dark night,

something spoke loudly to me, 

Maybe it was my soul,

The one I'd refused to see and had ignored;

It gently told me I was unique,

I had immense, sacred power

And could eternally breathe.

It wasn't easy, I rejected it many a time, 

But eventually I couldn't deny 

I was feeling easefully light;

I was awakening, I was being eternally held.

I was breathing again, I was alive and well. 


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