Poem: Expansion & Contraction


In this beautiful life of us, 

We can't have expansion without contraction,

Life doesn't work like that.

We wouldn't be here without the ebb and flow of life;

Not everything has to be an uphill climb but 

We wouldn't savour some victories 

If we hadn't worked hard 

And cried abundant rivers on a scarily dark night. 

Easy to get frustrated 

When life doesn't go our way,

As if we had a say in the magic of the divine unfolding. 

Yes, there is free will but

Life is always beautifully, magically unfolding

For our growth and expansion

Through blissful blessings and also through hurdles

That make things worthwhile. 

Breathe, you are always guided

And on a unique path of growth through 

Empowering darkness and blissful light. 


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