Comfortably Challenged

“A good story begins at the moment when our comfortable reality is challenged. We often find ourselves in new realities- a new school, job, relationship or country, any of which demand some reinvention of ‘belonging’.” Shaun Tan This resonated with me the moment I read it. I did definitely reinvent myself and my sense of belonging c ountless times , even though at points I could not even process it in a ‘deep’ way, I just lived my life –and the new shades of it- however I knew how. For sure though, my reality, my comfortable reality, has been challenged many times and I have had to pause, to stop and think about how to move forward, even when I didn’t recognise the surroundings, and life as I knew it was no longer. It has happened many times and will continue to happen because that is life and that is how you grow: you step into the unknown, you venture into the wild and hope that things will work and you will learn, survive, thrive…You swim into that deep ocean even when the...