Raw Anxiety Poem: Why Cannot I Breathe?
'Nothing in our lives is meant to be feared or forced away, it is through acceptance and exploration of these aspects that we find the peace we are longing for.'
Sarah Blondin in her Transforming Fear meditation.
I smile but I am broken,
I bring light but I carry darkness;
I cry uncontrollably
But they wouldn't know.
Why cannot I breathe?
I want to slip under, unnoticed.
Who would notice anyway?
I want to leave quietly
through the back door
And not stir a movement.
No one would notice,
Days would pass.
Eventually they'd know
But it'd be too late.
Why cannot I breathe?
This pressure on my chest has been
My friend for a while now.
It pushes me, and pushes me until
I feel trapped
And out of breath.
Why cannot I breathe?
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