Raw Anxiety Poem: In the Silence of my Home

In the silence of my home
I can face my demons,
We all have them and
Though some are shy and hide,
Like mine, 
Once in a while,
They’ll creep out and reap havoc.
I’ll shake, cry, and wish to hide;
My positive self will vanish in the ether
And darkness will engulf me.
I’ll wish to close my eyes
Never to open them again;
I’ll convulse in the pain of my soul
And ask the universe to let me go…

It is a terrifying place to be
And I don’t recognise myself there
But I know she is me and I am her.
I hold her and walk by her side.
I cannot erase the pain, only
Allow it to morph
And trust that it’ll eventually
Want to say ‘goodbye.’
Until next time, I’ll pick up the pieces
And rearrange them to create my new me.
I’ll trust that it is my journey
And gracefully, bravely
Face what needs to heal.


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